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Showing posts from 2014
Doll changing physiognomy 娃娃相由心生
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This famous Japanese doll called 巿松人形 “ ichimatsu ningyou ” was a present from a Japanese good friend to Master Yap. Sharing this real story and hoping my friends that go to Japan will be careful when buying this type of dolls. Master Yap said, “The ichimatsu dolls was kept for a long time before it was being displayed, till I bought a new apartment. To have an aesthetic interior this doll was then being placed as a decorative piece. In mid of the year 2013, I was sleeping there for two nights. In the middle of the night I heard some noise similar to sound of rattling chain at night that woke me up. The next night around the same time of 3am, I heard the same noise again and it is even more intense, followed by a sound of a cup lid dropping to the floor. I thought it might probably have been blown off by the fan. It never came to my sense that it was anything to do with any spiritual presence. I don’t usually sleep there as it was for my convenience sake of having a nearer place to
Face Reading Governor 曾国藩
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Zeng Guofan 曾国藩. He was born in a poor family. As a youth, he was notorious for living drunkenly and even experimenting with opium; choices he would later renounce as he became an ardent military man . Later he became a literary scholar and devoted to Confucius classics. He has profound interest in writing, knowledge, poem and books. At the age of 37 he became the military vice minister. At the age of 54 he lead an attack and managed to take down the 太平天 国 Taiping Rebellion in the Tianjin capital. At the age of 56 years he became the governor of two province. Zeng Guofan is a very famous military general in the Qing Dynasty. At the age of 58 years old his career & status is at the peak. His success is attributed to many factors. It was said that he is very good in face reading. He wrote a book called “bing jian” 冰鉴 , another book is “xiang ren que” 相人缺 so he is being known for his good ability in utilizing people. He is able to group multiple capable and skilled people
When three are walking together, one can be my teacher 三人行必有我師焉
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道家做人標准 - 領悟道,修德,順其自然,淡名利 Daoism’s Standard – understand the path, cultivate virtue, to let nature takes it course and not seek fame & wealth 儒家做人標准-仁,義,礼,智,信. 人生观-积极进取,建功立业. Confucian’s Standard - righteousness, humanity, etiquette, wisdom, trust, positively progressing and goals oriented 佛家做人標准 - 绪恶莫作, 众善奉行, 遵守戒律, 慈爱众生, 旡私奉献. Buddhism’s Standard – do no evil, do only virtue act, adhere to principles, love all living things and selfless contribution 三人行必有我師焉, 這句名言出自孔子。 小時後常聽老人家說:天大,地大,我大。 在月亮下面看影子,越看自己就越自覺偉大,越了不起。 人天生有這種劣根性,故孔子提倡:三人行必有我師,擇其善者而從之,其不善者而改之。 看起來很平淡,仔細研究起來,人若發現了別人的長處,而自己能虛心從根性裡作出改善,學習且接受是很不容易做到的。 當你嘲笑別人的知識的同時,應該首先應問問自己,你的知識水平是否已到了那個可以取笑他人階段?你的知識是否已超越那個被你嘲笑的人?人家的操作,你是否了解?如果不是,請閉口。 最近,徒弟告訴我,有人在網站批評我的文稿,將我的文稿比作笑話,一彈一唱的,且洋洋得意。徒弟問我該當如何處理?他讀了內容讓我了解,我只是問他幾個問題: 你認為他們進了紫微的門階了嗎?會看大運嗎?會應用嗎? 如果還未具備這些條件,不必浪費我的時間。 他只是說,与坊间看書学的一般,一知半解。腳还没有放进門,那就别理,由的他们自以为是吧 ! 。 我在網站寫紫微,一方面是當作消遣般塗塗寫寫,另一方面也希望學習紫微斗數的年輕人能朝著正確的路學習下去。至於摸透多少,還必需具備努力,天份與人生歷練,才能將所學的去判
Does 奴僕宫 servant/friend palace has substanstial influence on a chart?
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Friends palace in "zi wei dou shu" is always the most underrated palace. Those learning “dou shu” always favors the 科禄权 “Ke Lu Quan” into the 命宫 Ming palace. And they are very afraid of having 化忌 “hua ji” in Ming or shining from the 三方四正 “san fang si zheng” triangular and square combination. This is a misconception of classification in the "zi wei dou shu" studies. Years of research shows that when the owner has many “lu” in the Ming palace they are very seldom hardworking nor ambitious. Usually they like enjoyments and easy life or tend to indulge in pleasure seeking. If your “Ming” palace have “Ke Lu Quan” in triangular and square coupled with strong stars it is pity because all your other palaces like friend, parent, health or family are susceptible to the balance of the bad stars. Without having the support of the periodical stars when only your “Ming” palace is strong then the person will look good on surface only. At the beginning of learning “zi
2014 JIA LIAN PO WU YANG 甲廉破武阳
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This 2014 year is 甲午年 “J ia Wu nian”. Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone especially those with the 杀破狼 “Sha Po Lang” format 心想事成 “Xin Xiang Shi Cheng” get what they wish , 桃花旺 “tao hua wang” good peach blossom luck and 步步高升 “bu bu gao sheng” rise in position/status. In "zi wei dou shu" fundamentals, stars are grouped into two major formats. One is “sha po lang” format group consisting of many businessmen and 武职 “wu zhi” martial, action or activity related type of work. And the other format group is the 机月同梁 “ji yue tong liang” format where alot 文职 “wen zhi” or corporate, literary or office type of work. They are more suited to mental, strategy and planning but if this format has bad combinations they may even make a living from cheating or being a conmen. Jia Wu year in general is more beneficial to the “sha po lang” if the chart is not afflicted by bad stars combination but they must still avoid being too proud or ar