
Showing posts from 2022


==>  IFSC 2022 Convention Programme  <== Feng Shui Qi & Ziwei Bazi (紫微八字) Changes In The Metaverse Era We have been reading a lot about the upcoming digital era in the past decades.  Is “High Tech Feng Shui” a reality or a fad term? Do you know the impact of such association and changes onto the Metaphysics, Feng Shui, Divination, and Ziwei Bazi Destiny system?  Will the transformation affect the accuracy and practices?  With the emergence of cloud, AI, NFT, Genomics, and blockchain, can these innovations, digital gadgets and equipment replace the traditional tools and consultation? Can environmental energy or land Qi change, what affects it, and what can be done? Can the theory and methods founded more than 1000 years ago be applicable in this millennium of quantum exponential age?  By knowing this, we can then understand the principle of “Destiny decodes our path; we determine our rides to sync the fate of Heaven, Man, and Earth”! ~ Ray Goh

Feng Shui Tips for Moving Home

In our life, we may move home once or multiple times for marriage, growth, divorce, career, migration, changes, or various reasons. It is important to note that it is a vital step in our life as many things can happen during a transition of our homes or the place we live. Have you ever noticed that happenings like fights, death, sickness, accidents or windfall after moving home? Issues like the death of the elderly, children getting sick, couples having disputes, financial difficulties, spiritual disturbance, and increased stress or health issues can have a significant impact. The elderly people or the young ones in the house are more prone to be affected by the inflicting of the energies. In records, many unexpected things had occurred after someone moved their residences. Even prosperity, windfall or romances can also be brought upon by the changes in the place where one resides. The use of San Yuan Feng Shui dates back a few thousand years since the Han Dynasty. History recorded


  Important : ·   Experience ·   Knowledge ·   Lineage ·   Open mind ·   Genuine Advantages The ultimate purpose we equipped ourselves with Feng Shui and Destiny Reading Skills is to further enhance our life journey planning. And making sure that we can understand, manage our life and better handle people and situation around us for better opportunities. Tips for becoming a Destiny Master Every time you practice, ask yourself: Q: Do you have enough experience? A: Have you learned and researched enough? Is your foundation in metaphysics well established by your teacher? Have you tried and validated things you learned or just studied the theories. All good masters always experiment and put in many years of training to gain experience before becoming a consultant, to avoid situations where your clients pay you and become your guinea pig. Q: Do you restrict yourself from learning? A: Have you learned enough from multiple sources and teachers to widen your knowled

Feng Shui Problem! Fix it Now!

"Feng Shui isn't just about creating wealth. It's about what land energy can help you do. Build a better opportunity for yourself and take better-planned actions. Or design a better environment for everyone around you. Our single focus is on helping you achieve what's most important to you. We evaluate your landforms and formation to provide Feng Shui and guidance on how you can improve your chances. Our authentic and proven Feng Shui can help you lessen problems in life and reach your own higher purpose. We take the time to match your Destiny and provide resources that help you." Starting a new Business! Shifting a new home! Problem with grave! House, Condominium, Office, Shop, Retail, Factory, Building, Hotel School, Hospital, Shopping Mall, Housing Development, Restaurant, Centres, Temple and Grave Feng Shui Audit! Contact emailto: messenger: Whatsapp: